日本神戶音樂交流團2016年首屆華樂團國際觀摩展演 International Chinese Music Performance-cum-Competition 2016 July 22-26
第十一屆香港校際手鈴比賽 The 11th Hong Kong Handbell Festival
第三十四屆畢業典禮 (2016) The 34th Annual Speech Day
親子包糉樂 PTA Rice Dumpling Activity
班際籃球比賽 (2016)Inter-class Basketball Tournament
義賣耆樂餅 (2015) To raise fund for the needy
中二級科學專題研習比賽 (2016) F.2 Science Fair Project Presentation
南沙前海的經濟發展和粵港合作探索之旅內地交流計劃 (2016) Nansha Qianhai Free-Trade Zone Exploration Exchange Trip (One day Trip)
家長教師研討會 (2016) Parent-Teacher Seminar
生物科考察-嘉道理農場-植物細語 (2015) Kadoorie Farm visit
環保話劇 (2016) Environmental Awareness Drama
全港肝炎普查大行動 (2016) Checking Hepatitis in Action Hong Kong
領袖生歡送會 (2016) Farewell Party For Student Leaders
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西安市育才中學到訪 (2016) Visitation from Xi’an Yucai Middle School
校慶聖誕感恩崇拜 (2015) 37th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service
環校賽跑 (2015) Round-the-Campus-Race
陸運會 (2015) Sport Days
參觀民航處 (2015) Visit to Civil Aviation Department
小學畢業生招待日 (2015) Reception Day for Primary Six Students
家長教師會會員大會 (2015) PTA AGM & Seminar
校友會會員大會暨盆菜宴 (2015) The Alumni Association AGM and Poon Choi Dinner
風紀隊訓練營 (2015) Prefect training camp
福音雙週 2015 Gospel Fortnight 2015
迦密柏雨中學校友會歌詠團五週年音樂會 (2015) CPU Alumni Choir the 5th Anniversary Concert
中一家長研討晚會 (2015) PTA Seminar
學生會及四社職員就職典禮 (2015) Inauguration of student Union and four Houses
馬灣挪亞方舟 2015 (Noah Ark Trip of Green Revolution)
自然藝術體驗之旅 2015 (PTA Picnic)
迎新日 2015 (Welcome Day)
「音樂事務處」樂韻播萬千2015 ( ‘Music for the Millions’ School Concert)
升旗禮 2015 (Flag Ceremony)
新加坡國際合唱節2015 (Singapore International Choral Festival 2015)
F.1 Activity Day 2015 (中一學生活動日)