第三十六屆畢業典禮-The 36th Annual Speech Day
Science Fair
班際籃球比賽 Inter-class Basketball Tournament
第三十九屆陸運會- 39th Sport Days
第三十九屆春令會-尊主為大 以神為樂 The 39th Spring Camp
香港學生科學比賽-Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition
"Drug & Alcohol Awareness Workshops 2017/18" by KELY
社際烹飪比賽 Inter-House Cooking Competition
師生同樂日-Teacher Student Fun Activity Day
校慶聖誕感恩崇拜-39th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service
班際音樂節比賽-Music Festival
四社乒乓球比賽 Inter-House Table Tennis Competition
四社排球比賽 Inter-House Volleyball Competition
小學畢業生招待日-Reception Day for Primary Six Students
中一收生簡介會-Introductory Talk on 2017-2018 Form 1 Admission
海下灣海岸公園生態遊 Ecotour to Hoi Ha Wan Marine Parks
「藝術館出動!」-參觀藝術車 "Museum of Art on Wheels"-Visiting the Art Car
南京歷史文化探索之旅 2017 - An Exploration into the History and Culture of Nanjing
畢業班籃球賽 2017
數學週活動 2017 - Math Week Activities
學生輔導員訓練營 2017 Student Counsellor Training Camp
風紀隊領袖訓練營 2017 -Prefect training camp
福音雙週 2017 - Gospel Forenight
學生會及四社選舉及就職典禮 (2017) Election and Inauguration of Student Union and four Houses
領袖生就職典禮(2017) The Inauguration of Stuent Leaders
國慶升旗禮 (2017) Flag Raising Ceremony
中一學生活動日 F.1 Activity Day (2017)
中一勇社成立禮 2017 -Inauguration Ceremony of Dauntless House
第一次團契聚會-First Fellowship Meeting
開學典禮(2017) School Opening Ceremony
迎新日 Welcome Day (2017)
升中英語銜接課程 (2017) F.1 English Bridging Course