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Global Student Science and Technology Innovation Competition
Our student, Tang Cheuk Yin, was chosen to represent HKSAR to join two international science competitions (ISWEEEP and Genius Olympiadin) in May and June, 2013 in the US. He was awarded silver medals for the project named ‘Biogas’. Biogas is methane released when bread and other putrescibles are toasted. With iron ore, biogas could extract iron in refineries. Because of this, methane, a potent greenhouse gas, would no longer aggravate global warming. Instead, it would provide an environmental-friendly alternative for steel manufacturing industry, which is one of the largest greenhouse emitters. We hope that “Biogas” would arouse public awareness of environment protection and sustainability.
Cambodia Visit Tour
(Chinese version only)
在2013年七月,本校聯同其他迦密中學的師生五十多人一同探訪柬埔寨,藉此了解基督教興學會在當地的教學事工及學童的需要。 柬埔寨在七十年代曾經歷赤柬的統治,大量人民因飢餓、疾病、過度工作而死亡。至今柬埔寨仍受到戰爭等因素影響,經濟發展緩慢,國內貧窮問題嚴重。 我們盼望此行能本著基督耶穌的愛和捨己的精神,與當地兒童分享歡樂,讓他們留下美麗的回憶。
柬埔寨是一個聼起來神秘的國家,正是這份神秘吸引我參加是次交流之旅。我渴望通過與當地孩子的交流,加上親身考察當地的歷史遺跡,深入了解當地的文化。作爲主的兒女,我也希望了解赤柬統治對人民的影響,以至基督信仰如何救贖飽受創傷的人們。同時,我期望自己的到訪能為當地的志工及兒童盡一分綿力,為他們帶來正能量。「施比受更爲有福」,我相信自己在服務的期間定有所得着,真渴望能儘快展開柬埔寨的旅程,體驗個人成長之旅。(5D黎耀文 )
Professor Roger D. Kornberg School Visit
It was our honour to have Prof. Roger Kornberg, the Nobel laureate in Chemistry 2006, to visit our school on 20th Nov., 2013. Three of our science team members were invited to present their scientific investigations, namely ‘Brine rejection’, ‘Purification of seawater using seeds’ and ‘Healthy Thaw’. Prof. Kornberg showed appreciation for the effort of our students and their scientific talent demonstrated through the investigations. He also encouraged our students to keep doing scientific investigations. May God be glorified.